Changes Made To Province’s Film And TV Tax Credit Program


The Provincial government has made some updates to Alberta’s Film and Television Tax Credit program.

Jobs, Economy and Trade Minister Matt Jones says some of their changes will help promote filming in rural and remote regions of the province.

“We’ve created a rural stream where productions that film 75% or more of their production in rural Alberta are eligible for the higher 30% refundable tax credit which is 8% higher which is significant. That actually is calibrated to offset the majority of the estimated difference in costs between filming in an area like Calgary and a place like Peace River.”

Most of the economic impacts from those productions currently are in the Calgary area, but Jones says they want to spread that around to the rest of the province.

“To date, 177 productions have been authorized to participate in the Film and Television Tax Credit program and they’re gonna spend an estimated $1.3 billion across the province, generating an estimated GDP of about $750 million and supporting almost 13,000 jobs.”

Jones says these changes will help attract even more world-class productions to the province.

You can listen to the full interview below.

– Kyle Moore, Trending 55 Newsroom