CSNO announces scholarship winners


Courtesy: CSNO

The Conseil scolaire du Nord-Ouest (CSNO) is proud to announce the winners of the two CSNO scholarships for 2024, as well as the nomination for the 2024 Bourse  Paul Charbonneau.

This year, the CSNO has increased the value of its two scholarships to $1,000 for CSNO graduates who plan to pursue post-secondary studies. The “Actifs et fiers” scholarship
recognizes the efforts of a CSNO graduate who contributes to school life and the Francophone community, and the “Academic Excellence” scholarship recognizes the efforts
of a CSNO graduate who achieves superior academic results.

This year, these scholarships were awarded to the following graduates during the graduation ceremonies at their respective schools.

The “Academic Excellence” scholarship was awarded to Sacha Nickonchuk, a graduate of École des Quatre-Vents, on June 15.

The “Active and Proud” scholarship was awarded to. Makayla White, a graduate of École Nouvelle Frontière, on June 1st.

Paul-Charbonneau Scholarship 2024 – The Paul-Charbonneau Scholarships, awarded by the Éduquer en français Foundation, aim to encourage graduates from Francophone high
schools across Canadian Francophonie to pursue post-secondary studies. The scholarship highlights the academic performance and community engagement of young Francophones who are passionate about their language and culture. The winners of these scholarships will be announced in the fall of 2024.

The nomination of Makayla White, École Nouvelle Frontière graduate, was selected as the CSNO nomination for the Paul-Charbonneau Scholarship.

The school board warmly congratulates Sacha and Makayla for their achievements and exemplary academic paths. The board thanks and congratulates the graduates who
submitted applications, as well as all the graduates. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavours!