Grimshaw Council Highlights


Courtesy: Town of Grimshaw

Organizational Meeting Date
Council will hold their annual Organizational Meeting on October 23, 2024, at 6:00 pm prior to the Regular Council Meeting scheduled for 7 pm. During the organizational meeting, the Deputy Mayor is elected and Councillors are appointed to various committees and boards.

Council Meeting Cancelled – September 25, 2024
Council approved the cancellation of the September 25, 2024, Council Meeting as the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will be in Red Deer for the Alberta Municipalities Convention from September 25-27, 2024. 

Canada Community Builders Program
Council approved the agreement with the Canada Community-Building Fund (CCBF). The Canada Community-Building Fund is a permanent indexed fund provided directly to municipalities to support strategic infrastructure investments. CCBF funds go toward our annual paving project.

Northern Alberta Medical Program Community Open House
Council approved that Deputy Mayor Stacey Messner attend the Northern Alberta Medical Program Community Open House in Grande Prairie on October 24, 2024, on behalf of Town Council. 

Bylaw Review – The Procedure (and Committees) Bylaw
Councillors reviewed and amended Bylaw 1213, the Procedure (and Committees) Bylaw. The Bylaw outlines procedures for Council meetings and the conduct of Council. Council postponed the three readings of the bylaw to the October 9, 2024, Council meeting.

MASKWA Medical Center Presentation
Representatives from the MASKWA Medical Center provided a presentation to Council regarding their plans for the MASKWA medical center in Grande Prairie and directed the administration to write a letter of support for the medical center from the Town of Grimshaw directed to Minister of Health Adriana LaGrange. The facility is scheduled to open in Grande Prairie in 2026 and will provide a range of healthcare services, including primary care, emergency care, and specialized treatments.

Alberta Municipalities 2024 Resolutions
Councillors discussed resolutions to bring forward at the upcoming Alberta Municipalities Convention on September 25-27, 2024. As a part of the convention, councillors from across the province take part in the annual resolution process where municipalities identify and prioritize common issues and solutions. The Alberta Municipalities Board of Directors then advocates on behalf of members to the federal and provincial governments.