New Hemp Plant in Building stage (Avis Gagne)


This is the River Country Ag. Show, I’m Keith Hopper.

The region’s newest endeavour is getting closer to being in operation.

Smoky Hemp Decortication Ltd. is in the test phase of having a hemp plant being open in the Donnelly area.

The goal is build an industrial hemp decorticator that will process regionally grown hemp stalks to produce high quality hemp fibre and hurd.

Right now, acreages in the area are growing the plant and are seeing positive results heading into the processing portion of the full operation.

It is said that Hemp is the second-fastest-growing plant on earth after bamboo, and growers are looking to take advantage of that stat by developing a processing plant in the area to boost business and jobs in the region.

The CEO of Smoky Hemp Decortication Ltd. is Avis Gagne.

Keith Hopper, Trending 55