Small Fires, but no risk to communities


Courtesy: Alberta Wildfire (High Level)


WEATHER FORECAST | The wildfires in the High Level Forest Area received some rain today, giving relief for certain areas. Low lying smoke remains over some of the wildfires. The smoke and cloud cover helps keep the fire behaviour low by shading the sun from the ground, but it can impact visibility for aircraft and firefighters. 

Today, the area expects temperatures close to 24C and 45% relative humidity. Winds from the southwest 10-15 km/h could move some of the wildfires towards the northeast. 

Tomorrow, a max of 27C and 45% relative humidity with winds from the southwest and west 10-15 km/h are expected. Light rain and thunder showers are expected into tomorrow, following by hotter temperatures and little to no cloud cover. 

HWF030 (Amber River – Near Zama) is currently BEING HELD which means that given current weather conditions and resources, this wildfire is not anticipated to grow past its expected boundaries. The wildfire is located approximately 8.5 km southwest of Zama City and estimated to be 3,200 hectares (ha). The wildfire remains under investigation.

There are 148 firefighters and support staff working on this wildfire, along with nine helicopters and heavy equipment operators. Airtankers remain available, if required. Firefighters, aircraft and heavy equipment are searching for and extinguishing hotspots.

Firefighters will continue to use night-vision equipped (NVIS) helicopters overnight when available. They have the capacity to use infrared technology to monitor fire behavior and support operational planning with their assessments.  

HWF044 is currently OUT OF CONTROL. The wildfire is located approximately 40 km northeast of the Town of High Level (near Ponton) and estimated to be 275 ha. The wildfire does not pose a threat to any communities at this time. The cause is under investigation. There are 33 firefighters and five helicopters associated to this wildfire.

Firefighters assisted with helicopters continue to build containment line on the north side of the wildfire. Airtankers were not able to assist today due to smoke and visibly issues.

HWF047 (Melvin River) is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL approximately 40 km north-northeast of the town of High Level and 25 km east of Highway 35. The wildfire is now estimated to be 1,375 ha in size. The wildfire does not pose a threat to any communities at this time and the cause is under investigation.

There are 114 firefighters and support staff, ten helicopters along with heavy equipment associated to this wildfire. An incident management team has arrived in the forest area and taken over the management of this wildfire. Airtankers and night-vision helicopters are working on priority wildfires but are available to assist firefighters when needed. 

Recent precipitation has helped diminish fire behaviour again today. This has allowed firefighters and helicopters to make good progress on containing the wildfire. Firefighters are searching for and extinguishing hotspots. They’re now established on the north side and being supported by helicopters with water buckets.

July 2 Helipads on 047

Firefighters have established helipads in key areas surrounding HWF047. This allows them to safely land close to the wildfire (July 2, 2024)

HWF053 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL approximately 40 km north east of John D’or Prairie and 155 km east northeast of the Town of High Level. It’s estimated to be 525 ha in size. There is no threat to any communities at this time, the wildfire remains under investigation.

There are 40 firefighters assigned to this wildfire with three helicopters and five pieces of heavy equipment. Firefighters are now established on the south perimeter and have begun searching for and extinguishing hotspots alongside helicopters. Airtankers are available when requested. 

HWF061 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL 40 km northeast of Jon D’or and 40 km north of Fox Lake. The fire does not pose a threat to any community. The wildfire is now estimated to be 1,800 ha in size and caused by lightning.

There are nine firefighters and one helicopter associated to this wildfire. Additional resources are on the way to support firefighting activities. The night-vision helicopter was able to lessen fire behaviour last night, creating a safe area for firefighters to begin working.

HWF063 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL. The fire does not pose a threat to any community. The wildfire is estimated to be 10 ha in size and caused by lightning.

There are nine firefighters and three helicopters associated to the fire. Firefighters worked until late last night to extinguish hotspots and contain the spread. They’ve returned early this morning. 

HWF065 is currently burning OUT OF CONTROL and estimated to be 25 ha in size. This wildfire was determined to be caused by lightning. Minimal growth was observed today, the wildfire received precipitation. 

HWF070 (OC) HWF072 (BH), HWF074 (EX), HWF075 (BH), HWF076 (BH) are approximately 65 km west of Zama City. They’re estimated to be 17 ha in total. They were all discovered yesterday and determined to be caused by lightning. Firefighters and helicopters are currently actioning these wildfires. (OC out of control, BH being held, UC under control, EX extinguished).

HWF081, HWF082, HWF083, HWF084 are currently burning OUT OF CONTROL within the Caribou Mountain Wildland P.P and estimated to be 23 ha, 1 ha, 360 ha and 84 ha respectively. The wildfires are determined to be caused by lightning. These wildfires are located approximately 60 km north of John D’Or Prairie.

To view these and other wildfires in the province, view our interactive map by following the active wildfire link. 

HTZ001 (Cameron Hills) is a mutual aid wildfire that originated in the border zone with the Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) in 2023. The Alberta portion of this fire, south of the border, is now classified as BEING HELD, which means that the wildfire is not expected to grow past its current boundaries.

On the Alberta side, this wildfire (HTZ001) is located near Indian Cabins, just south of the N.W.T. border.  This recent burn within the High Level Forest Area covers an estimated 30,520 hectares ha.  

Please see NWT Wildfire Update Map and the South Slave SS009-24 Update for more information on their activities and wildfire status in the N.W.T. area.

This wildfire may cause highway closures, visit Alberta 511 or download the app for up-to-date information.